Sunday, December 13, 2009

Post Traumatic Syndrome More Condition_symptoms Can You Get Post Traumatic Syndrome Due To Corporal Punishment?

Can you get Post Traumatic Syndrome due to corporal punishment? - post traumatic syndrome more condition_symptoms

For example, fought so hard on the hand with a leather belt, from time to time for a period of five years. What is post-traumatic syndrome? How it affects people.


ilarry said...

"Hey orangibloom! Of course it can not be applied in the order of an experienced fighter, but through physical punishment, to change the behavior of children of school age can be a great anxiety-producing activity.
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a term that certain psychological consequences of exposure to or confrontation with stressful experiences that the person experiences as highly traumatic. [1] The experience must lead to death or the risk of serious physical injury or threat to physical integrity and / or psychological integrity. The reaction is often stressed as a post-traumatic stress that the results of the traumatic experience of the routine as the manifestation of a pre-existing psychological weakness on the part of the patient.

It is possible that the man a live post-traumatic stress, without a genuine PTSD manifests, as in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders informed.

Feedback from PTSD symptoms: nightmares, flashbacks, numbing of emotional distance or FeeliNGS (emotional mortification or dissociation), insomnia, avoidance of reminders and extreme distress when exposed to reminders ( "triggers"), irritability, hypervigilance, memory loss, and excessive startle, clinical depression and anxiety, loss of appetite.

The experiments may lead to illness:

Childhood physical abuse or emotional or sexual
Experiences of adult rape, war or combat exposure, the latter (often called a stress reaction of the fight)
violent attacks
or serious car accident
Witness the sudden death of a loved one
Natural disasters such as earthquake or a tsunami
life-threatening complication of birth
bad trip after taking hallucinogenic drugs
Post Cult / CULT / religious experience New Movement / Abuse
For most people, rather the emotional impact of traumatic events to reduce after several months. If they last longer, then the diagnosis of a mental disorder is generally recommended. Most people who experience traumatic events do not develop PTSD. PTSD is believed to primarily an anxiety disorder, and should not be with the pain and the normal adjustment confused after traumatic events. It is also possible to simultaneously (comorbidity) have other psychiatric disorders. These disorders are often clinical depression, generalized anxiety disorder and a variety of dependencies.

PTSD may have a delayed start for the years or decades, and can even be caused by a certain movement of the body where the trauma is stored in procedural memory, on the other stressful event like the death of a family member or someone close to or for the diagnosis of a potentially fatal disease.

In addition, the doctors have to show a clinical study to engage traumatized children with PTSD tend to more crimes than those without PTSD.

Just Another Guy said...

Keyword = traumatic

Get a slap on the hands can be as painful as it is not a traumatic experience.

PTSD occurs when a person has seen, felt or something that can handle the other side knows your mind. You can divide and suffer from depression and nightmares, or DID, etc. ..

In most cases occur in post-traumatic stress disorder, I am of the extreme violence against children and veterans known.

MadMaxx said...

What is a young Catholic, lol? I used to be taken in the Catholic school, left, and I think I'm pretty well adjusted, but others claim that I am.

PTSD is not what it would be through. Research on this topic. Suck it up ... and stop bad lol!

pro_stee... said...

I do not think ... If what he wrote about the matter .... Catholic demons I had in my hands telling me someone to kill him ..... No ...... known to have a bit of discipline ..... and some attention .....

Slim Whitman said...

Catholic is not necessarily a causal factor in PTSD, unless the person was raped by a priest, and elements of experience, as described below:

People react differently to extreme trauma. Many people who experience extreme trauma do not develop PTSD. But for those who appear to symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder, usually several weeks after the accident, but some people do not experience symptoms for months or even years later.

Three categories - or "clusters" - symptoms associated with PTSD.


Relive the event through nightmares and intrusive images that occur at any time. People who suffer from PTSD also have extreme emotional or physical, such as chills, heart rhythm disorders or panic in the face of the memory of the event.

Avoidance of reminders of the event, including places, people, ideas and other activities associated with the trauma. PTSD may emotionally withdraw from their friends and family and lose interest in daily activities.

Was to be on guard or hyper-aroused at all times, including irritability or anger suddenly the feeling, sleep disturbance, concentration difficulties and be very vigilant and very scary.
People with PTSD may have low self-esteem or relationship problems, or being separated from their lives seem. Other problems that may mask or intensify symptoms include:

Psychological problems such as depression, dissociation (loss of consciousness of the here and now ") or another anxiety disorder and panic disorder.

Self-destructive behavior, including:

- Consumption of alcohol or drugs
- Suicidality
- High-risk sexual behavior may lead to an unwanted pregnancy or sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) including HIV
- The high-risk behavior that may endanger the life, like driving fast or reckless

Physical symptoms, some or all of May, which are accompanied by depression, including:

- Chronic pain with no medical basis (common gynecological problems in women)
- Stress-Reuphoric conditions such as chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia
- The gastrointestinal or digestive disorders such as irritable bowel syndrome or alternating bouts of diarrhea and constipation
- Eating disorders
- Breathing problems or asthma
- Headache
- Muscle cramps or pain such as back pain
- Cardiovascular problems
- Sleep Disorders

kittybri... said...

Post-traumatic syndrome (PTS) is a kind of conditioned reflex induced by repeated exposure to potentially or actually physically dangerous. If corporal punishment a person can affect the development of PTS depends on the person themselves and their exposure to threats or physical harm, but it can easily happen.

Typical symptoms may include a person are very anxious or nervous in similar situations in which they were exposed, or even completely removed and non-interactive, perhaps trying to escape their physical environment.

navyhm19... said...

No, not silly. If this were the case, each child who never went to Catholic school would be foolish.

: O)

The syndrome is losing his life from a very real situation to be afraid. Clapped his hands are far from fatal.

The bombs, land mines, machine-gun fire, so that the syndrome.

valducci... said...

Since post-traumatic stress disorder Punch on Google. You get all the information. Do you already have a doctor to do so. It would be a good start, but Google will give you good information.

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